Wednesday, July 7, 2010

the newAllBloom

Finally 8 tracks mastered to a satisfactory point at least for the now...

a taste of "the newAllBloom..." in its ep version titled:

"the progknowpresis"

Song line up:

i. SSN

ii. hmm hmm hooty whome?

iii. You're Amalgamated (the edited moment)

iv. 3lines locked (Composed & produced by Printer Error 123)

v. the unbeknownitS88

vi. reppir glluks

vii. SSN acoustic remix w/ Brown Mushroom

bonus tracks:

"the 4am jam box" by griZNiloc

"Attendance.Draft" by L00SiD&SSN

unless other wise credited all music and lyrics and compositions © SsengamNiloc

TO DOWNLOAD (the progknowpresis) in its entirety along with some photo and images email and i will send you a link!

heres a glimpse at the packaging and a track titled:

"hmm hmm hooty whome?"

Check out some previous releases:

Gas Mask?


Thursday, July 1, 2010

first friday june fourth...

the same day as the delivery of the first of the fourwarnings

after rittenhouse we ventured to the old city area selling gas masks and attempting to make the apocalypse look sexy if you catch my sardonic zeitgeist...