Thursday, February 24, 2011

yeah the doctors right...

Bananas overs days keeps thes doctors aways...

But mary mary quit contrary had golden locks but no skull to be hairy...
that is until she took that pill, grew back her head and gained free will and now she stands with burden still...

Back stood stagnant student stuck erect...glued porus blood soaked sponge congrues to ponder pleasent honorable horizons...

vast to in aww...

we realized the flaw...

when picture frame is acknowledged we need to ask why the contours seem so solid...

when we could easily wave the boundries and realize the potenial in the unintensional

end watch when it evolves to appreciation of the art all around us...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Long Live the New Flesh!@

finally i hear those cogs turning...the maskures family is blending their faces together to revamp the blog completely with a network of blogs...makeing your navigation just as complicated if not more so than your breif existance on this planet...check back for the fresh flesh...