Wednesday, December 22, 2010

more lines locked

but key is in the stair...well...itself...

some more tinkerings...and fleshing out of vidja medja...

all footage from this was captured in the home for my heart Scotland

there are some kinks still needing to be tinkered out know...excitement for the now...

Printer Error 123 be on the beat peep the link



Tuesday, December 21, 2010


so i wanted to incorporate this video with the video for "SSN"...still not sure if im 100% happy with it...suggestions>?

Peep "the new allbloom" if you got time!



Monday, December 13, 2010

AH HA! for all yall none believers!

time travel exists whether you intended or not ...


i was attempting to research the exact date lloonmas departed...checked the properties on the audio i took from that day...end...well..

apparently i modified this in 2009 and then opened it again a year from that exact date...interesting...the only date that is close to what happened in this reality is the date created...i smell a fourshadowed fourwarning fourcast...

end in case you haven't seen it...a re-blog for yall

Rest In Peace lloonmas

see your specter soon


Sunday, December 12, 2010

So We're Clowns Now Right?

Yup, Genuine Balloon Wizards

why am i not seven years old, friends with Taylor and swimming in this pool...oh yeah im a timetraveling wizard, consider it done!

after this balloon battle of course!

these kids are getting stronger by the minute!

CANDY! from super mom! thanks so much Officer Warren


oh yeah we're rappers too i think....





we have the technology!

whats this? a stick with a nail on the end of it./..?

you god damn better believe it...thats all its takes:

not even your cigarettes are case you dint know

Gas Mask?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

the best boats have leaks

four the destination is reached quickly and most efficiently in such the event....any who...

thanks so much to Max for posting this video and purchasing himself a tentacoustic

which is the handcraftedhellheartedenchantment you are hearing within the background of this vidja

the L(end) i a course 9-5 thursday 11.11.10

Peep a rift hanmas has been tinkering with: hanmas maykures Entry 2




the L(end) i a course 9-5 Friday 11.12.10

an adoption of the 9-5 stance...taking the gas mask business "seriously" in the "real world"... ; with lips pealed sleated seared quick heat healed from your skull your smile never goes away...

and for any one who's wondering what happened to saturday and sunday...umm...well...

mr. shedkures is in unstable conditions as usual


lloonmas is well................well

Gas Mask?



the L(end) i a course 9-5 thursday 11.11.10

an adoption of the 9-5 stance...taking the gas mask business "seriously" in the "real world"... ; thanks for the curiosity and the patience for the love and the time for digestion my am your child...remember your hands the next time they deliver the elixer for your face to feel

hanmas maykures Entry 2




the L(end) i a course 9-5 wednesday 11.10.10

an adoption of the 9-5 stance...taking the gas mask business "seriously" in the "real world"... ; but some would just rather play marbles with the moon

how to play marbles yes?

Gas Mask?



the L(end) i a course 9-5 tuesday 11.09.10

an adoption of the 9-5 stance...taking the gas mask business "seriously" in the "real world"... ; the rings through that tastey beurocracy sorry about the ropes

Gas Mask?



the L(end) i a course 9-5 monday 11.08.10

an adoption of the 9-5 stance...taking the gas mask business "seriously" in the "real world"... ; goodmorning and thanks to those who made Miss reykures' birth a plesent one...and thanks to the cops that were human...

i do hope the oocurrance of friendly faces out weigh the ones who are mean because they dont understand ...

oh well here are some questionable gifts to you . . . enjoy the rest of your birthday . .

from colorful to questions . . .

strange little satellites that bear seeds

lloonmalloon gifts


gas mask?

Friday, November 26, 2010

fleeting buildings

asmall wire locked grid retiformed and tactiled upon the reversing smoosh of the argyled agriculture you see the grid....

rushing each slit whips by sheding light upon porcelain incisors you pick your first victim...

four of them...the wisdom...

hard to say when it withered which blossom would parachute which in to the powdery pleasantry of the mother's embrace...

o and you the ground we stand on...sheltered within the hulking contemporary and quaintly sweet maternally shifted erect risen fallacy we lay within shadow of the nest...

shielded composed but vulnerable of our microcosmic comparison left to right vitreous plated silled pain completely void of blueberry pie...

the rush brought us down upon the skull cracked now we run with...

deer whom ever this may concern,

23hundred disappearance earned

searching rushing pulling pon tides of since gift...

you see what no where and no how happened and now we point to primitive pete when a screwdrivers so near....

but we've plucked the boat off so distant on the horriz-net...the sky bends and object-ive been shifted...

so we re-route and lifted, a pond, a bove, a barrier once forgotten, could be the paramount no rotten than the glitz corralled eye center...

too much of a balance and we wait on the dock...

seated knees bent to swing fling feet flick toes across the serene and silent meniscus...breaking the cooperatively valing par-tick-you-tock-you-ares apart once again merging with sea...the we

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

and 8181 of the course

so why wouldn.t it?

and the oh sure ut-ohs

a demonstration of the headphone/exterior speaker disconnect...comparable to a mask...externally, you may get nothing just horrendous laughter and disgruntled noise...skull gripper clamped ears...and ick up what needs to be...questionable...?...allways...

anewumm by theprogknowpresis

Thursday, November 18, 2010

shame shame and tssk tssk

now who what the when where why and how could i let my mind slip over the responcibilities of november 2nd 2010...

it should have been so easy do the community service (which you barely did any way and are lucky to have such beautiful people as friends that will lend a hand!) YOU"RE indebt to and still in deep shit...

judicial pain is annoying and painful on that monetary tear holder...coulda be been own time it was all done...

its like when you stay up all night writing the damn paper catch a nap before class and sleep through it!


i try to reach out to people and write something productive on the wall not just that masturbatory terror filler territory blank spacer!

but nope nabbed wrist slapped sentence heard guilty once and openingly admit-tingly for such a situation...damn

Reppir glluks by theprogknowpresis

wake up soon please!

Monday, November 15, 2010

ut-oh the book of faces

ut-oh...indeed a questionable dis-ear-n-ment...

to be in contact or not...but isnt that statement denying that of this physical existence...

to be honest a wave of clariety washed upon the skulular genorating a smile that felt an added conection...fore there is an inevitably o\as an additional interaction that is draped and unveiled as the real eyesed agitation as stirring the pleasant caressing that hugs with the digital cyber and physical combineblurr...

holding hands we shall in an effort to dwell in communication we sail feeling well

freeing...we breath end...but dont forget your neighbor...

in the hopes and the end or entanglement thanks for your existence and


and married the the mergings points

in other words i finally got a facebook and i would love to share in your digitalfriendship existence find me find yours next love and this



Tuesday, November 9, 2010

how to play marbles

in case you were curious and did not know...:

Gas Mask?

miss vulpesmas reykures Entry one

to the missed...maternal...mass and of course...the loves a first interaction i would h...arken...nothing but moments sharedthe sharing...of palms...was a pulsing pleasure...through the flesh...of our ambidextrous ...extensions...noting...that...defining and sculpting...our not...the only ...function...a hand...can perform...
but more specifically...the....demonstration...of social and should be present...despite subjective definitions of the grotesque
not...many...could spare the time issue...or...was it ...interrpreted as negativity...
to the suites of the tolerate ... accepted...the boot...tied to that fishing hook...

my love...and hope for all human kind...will ...the test of time...standing...fleshypalm extended...

see...what the family...was up to that week...

till the next time...,
~vulpesmas reykures



Gas Mask?

Monday, October 18, 2010

land ho!'s mini's van flowed be locked

and missirs its transite back into the city from my home front in havertown fo sho! in the mommy's silver bullet of a crystler town house slow creepin...

back to school of stay in school!

or at least until we get that piece o paper that says you did some ish...

and dont do drugs!

seriously i carry around a spoon only because im practicing bending it and im hungry

and respect yo mom's sound system...

Whats going on now flowing code griz be knowing Freed bees in a twelve minut car ride by griZNiloc

Gas Mask?



Friday, August 27, 2010

to the young lady from THE FUZE and SOUTH STREET that witnessed me get arrested by johnny law for "obstructing the highway"

this could possibly be wishful thinking but....

could you please e-mail me...

because i do of course believe that this charge is bullshit...pertaining mostly to the the behavior of officer William Gress...i believe he handled himself it the utmost of rude fashions...

the charge i received was "obstructing the highway" which is ridiculous...

this same exact officer arrested my good friend and companion DJ CodeGriz with the same exact charge for drawing on the side walk with SIDE WALK CHALK!

that charge is entirely true(by no means am i condoning the arrest for beautifying this world with a temporal gift of multied coulored chalks) because i guess you could be a robotic cop and pull that charge out of the exit portal which could be called an anus...

but having known this charge was present i intentionally chose the particular corner of 8th and South... which specifically has a blank brick wall that when it abruptly hits its ninety degree dead end drops back to wrap around the block it smacks directly into an adult human sized metal electrical box...that due to the physical property of matter create another little ninety degree box of useless space that pedestrians would not be using to navigate...

this area of space was also perfectly large enough for my cart to complete the negative space to finish the average shape of the likes of any other building mirrored appropriately..

and due to the mobile nature of my flesh unit, navigating my porous body around and about other drops of water such as we all is very simple...since motor skills are some of the first skills we gain when learning to first perpetuate...

there was no such obstructing of any type of "highway"

and that is when i hope to say i rest my case when i show up with photo documentation of my cart in the space...

but perhaps i was wondering for the most part...

would there be any way to help me out and perhaps if available contact the friend you were with and show up as witnesses for my court case on August 27th 2010...9 am in the boreing morning...

...thanks so much for your interest it is truly disappointing that it got cut short by such a rude gentleman...

its funny since this incident i have talked to several other people and witnessed several people in court all whom have been done in by the rude unjust practice of William Gress...

its kindov shocking that i am actually upset enough to file a complaint against this gentle man


if you or any one that is interested would like to witness or talk during the motions of a "retaliation piece" in which i will be taking the same exact grandma grocery basket on wheels stuffed to the brim with gas masks and suit case with the simple objective of talking and sharing ideas with people and making balloon animals......stroll on by 8th and south street...

date to be posted.javascript:void(0)..

random side those that think my name is spelled " SSngamNiloc " how it was published in the fuze anthology...thanks so much for the great oppurtunity and honor to be a part of such a wonderful group of poets!... hopefully this post will generate a Google search hit and direct you here

Peep the warnings:


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

griZNiloc at it as always and a loonmas aperture

ripe and rippen peace with the life to the

griZNiloc your friendly neighborhood superherohiphoppers from the future return with
another set at the fire...this time jam packed with unexpected guests...

but before we go any know not a second can go buy that i dont ask myself and any others willing to listen the question:

Gas Mask?

pause end think

okay and back to the music:

Dave the trumpet ear graciously lent some personalized magic finger tip to ear drums memories and moments for us all

loonmas floatkures and DJ CodyGriz delivered there rendition of "Rejuvenated"


griZNiloc live at the fire with Dave the Trumpetear July 26th


check the most recent griZNiloc set: August 16th at the fire

or the recorded 4am sesh on:


griZNiloc at it again....

yo we breeze easy roll through and spitntwist some ish that you may not be used to:

spreading to the fire...peep the set list and clean your ears:

part one:
them freed bees at it again to the already "classic" in my book gritty grated grim something or other track...also spontaniously manipulated Cody Griz style

part two:
also them freed bees over a recently found track, sponton knobs of course...


part three:
the pre-writ toe jam we like to called "rejuvinated" over another fresh jam...each time this track is done it comes out different...

griZNiloc live at the fire August 16th (part one)

griZNiloc live at the fire August 16th (part twu)

griZNiloc live at the fire August 16th (part three)


also as if there were not enough advertisements in the beginning of the videos for ya heres another plug...because this should also be ignored just as much as another other gimmick...but seriously ask yourself this question

Gas Mask?

because sometimes 700 gas masks fall into your lap...this existence is strange wouldnt you agree?

other musics:


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

hanmas maykures Entry 2

some thing more composed but defknot done:

Contemplation instrum by theprogknowpresis or SsengamNiloc but really by Hanmas Maykures

inspired by the conception of the tentacoustic

hanmas maykures Entry 1

moobious moosic:




pin hole pushed electrified earther dispersed and look at the birth or...catchstraw of hay. melodical auidtories from the Bink Tine Mines solidified in the third...

welcome form welsomes ears! hammer mallop stirrups anvil burners!

squatted but not squandered pleasantly bent with the permission of crust scorn scorchers...

the forge bend the moth licking into fingers the flames the hallways and that crooked smell...a transmutation, equivalently exchanging with the pressure of destruction and the mutation of creation...

how else would you explain the ashy ridden melted tree fleshy and the pyroclastic cloud bellow crust flaking in your general meandering direction with the sole effort to eat your skin...

the belly of the flame feeds on all oxygen around in the maniacally twisting fashions beyond dapper...supreme! at their consumption...and organised with wit ....

note the tear drop frame of the match tip game that politely exchanges particulate nuclei malmajoined.....amalgagrinned

"prisoner to its purity" said adam to eve...

and some where between them crawled out the four finger tentacoustic

interested in obtaining your own and have 30 some odd paper root o all some how nessissary evil reflectors plus shipping and

other wise listen to
mooer freedoor moosic!:
