Friday, August 27, 2010

to the young lady from THE FUZE and SOUTH STREET that witnessed me get arrested by johnny law for "obstructing the highway"

this could possibly be wishful thinking but....

could you please e-mail me...

because i do of course believe that this charge is bullshit...pertaining mostly to the the behavior of officer William Gress...i believe he handled himself it the utmost of rude fashions...

the charge i received was "obstructing the highway" which is ridiculous...

this same exact officer arrested my good friend and companion DJ CodeGriz with the same exact charge for drawing on the side walk with SIDE WALK CHALK!

that charge is entirely true(by no means am i condoning the arrest for beautifying this world with a temporal gift of multied coulored chalks) because i guess you could be a robotic cop and pull that charge out of the exit portal which could be called an anus...

but having known this charge was present i intentionally chose the particular corner of 8th and South... which specifically has a blank brick wall that when it abruptly hits its ninety degree dead end drops back to wrap around the block it smacks directly into an adult human sized metal electrical box...that due to the physical property of matter create another little ninety degree box of useless space that pedestrians would not be using to navigate...

this area of space was also perfectly large enough for my cart to complete the negative space to finish the average shape of the likes of any other building mirrored appropriately..

and due to the mobile nature of my flesh unit, navigating my porous body around and about other drops of water such as we all is very simple...since motor skills are some of the first skills we gain when learning to first perpetuate...

there was no such obstructing of any type of "highway"

and that is when i hope to say i rest my case when i show up with photo documentation of my cart in the space...

but perhaps i was wondering for the most part...

would there be any way to help me out and perhaps if available contact the friend you were with and show up as witnesses for my court case on August 27th 2010...9 am in the boreing morning...

...thanks so much for your interest it is truly disappointing that it got cut short by such a rude gentleman...

its funny since this incident i have talked to several other people and witnessed several people in court all whom have been done in by the rude unjust practice of William Gress...

its kindov shocking that i am actually upset enough to file a complaint against this gentle man


if you or any one that is interested would like to witness or talk during the motions of a "retaliation piece" in which i will be taking the same exact grandma grocery basket on wheels stuffed to the brim with gas masks and suit case with the simple objective of talking and sharing ideas with people and making balloon animals......stroll on by 8th and south street...

date to be posted.javascript:void(0)..

random side those that think my name is spelled " SSngamNiloc " how it was published in the fuze anthology...thanks so much for the great oppurtunity and honor to be a part of such a wonderful group of poets!... hopefully this post will generate a Google search hit and direct you here

Peep the warnings:


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